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$400.00 $202.00



Inspired by yacht helm chairs, this ergonomic outdoor dining chair features a contemporary reinforced polypropylene shell seat. Uniquely developed for outdoor use, we especially love the powder coated stainless steel sled base which allows the botanic beauty of your outdoor surroundings to effortlessly filter through. Inspired by yacht helm chairs, this ergonomic outdoor dining chair . Combine in harmony with a designer dining table from the Houseology luxury garden furniture collection to create an inspirational backdrop for the ultimate summer of style!


  • Compatible for indoor and outdoor use
  • Wide polypropylene shell seat for unrivalled comfort
  • Wide polypropylene shell seat for unrivalled comfort
  • Rust-resistant frame
  • Durable UV and weather-resistant construction
  • Shell seat features water draining recess
  • Shell and base are stackable for transport
  • Choice of monochrome finishes and colourways
  • Designed by Nagi

Inspired by yacht helm chairs, this ergonomic outdoor dining chair features a contemporary reinforced polypropylene shell seat. Uniquely developed for outdoor use, we especially love the powder coated stainless steel sled base which allows the botanic beauty of your outdoor surroundings to effortlessly filter through. Inspired by yacht helm chairs, this ergonomic outdoor dining chair . Combine in harmony with a designer dining table from the Houseology luxury garden furniture collection to create an inspirational backdrop for the ultimate summer of style!

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